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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
AAR PEE c.p. fancy 11
ADINATH fancy knitting yarn 23
ANU fancy button 26
ASIS fancy plywood 19, 20
BAMBOO fancy lace & ribbons 26
D DAMINI fancy +circles 24
DE-CHIC fancy socks +woman 25
DON fancy mirror 20
F fancy CONCEPT tiles 19
HARMEET fancy hair clips 26
HEERA MOTI fancy bindi 3
KUSUM fancy bindi 3
KUU KEE fancy knightwear 25
LAMI fancy ribbon +circles 26
NAGMA IRSAD BHAI fancy bind 3
PARAS fancy bindi 3
PEHNAVA fancy dress materia 24
PRIYA 70 nice fancy payal 14
QUEEN NIKHAR fancy bindi 3
RN lady suhag fancy bindi 3
RN roop nikhar fancy bindi 3
ROSHNI fancy bindi +flowers 3
SANT KALSH fancy light +pot 11
SILVA fancy plywood 19
SSUPER nice fancy payal 14
T.P. fancy hair +ovals 14
T.P. fancy hair ornaments 26
TULIP fancy prints +flowers 24
TULIP fancy prints +oval 24
ace tex fancy quality fabri 24
shimla fancy agarbatti 3
super fancy biri +man & ova 34
super nice fancy payal 14
the golden LAMINA fancy 24
EVEREADY fancylite +torch 11
YOUTUBE fanfest 25, 35, 38, 41
fans & circles 16
AIR SAFARI +fans 11
AIR-BENDER +cross & fans 25
ASIAN fans & appliances 11
BALAKA fans +bird 11
CMC fans 9
CMC fans +oval 7
CROMPTON fans 11
FIZA fans +oval 11
FMC fans +oval 21
GCN fans 9
GCN fans +oval 11
GCN fans +ovals 9
GNC fans 9
GNC fans +oval 7, 11, 21
GNC fans +ovals 9
M MATRO fans 11
MANUGUNTA POWER +fans 9, 11, 37, 39, 40
MAYURI +fans 11
NKN +fans 24
PILOT fans 11
POLYCON +fans 17
POLYCOOL +fans 11
POP +fans 8
PROTECTOR ceiling fans 11
PROTECTOR celing fans 11
SAF SHREE ANAND fans +oval 11
SBJ ZEVA super fan +fans 11
SEC STANDARD fans +oval 11
SILVER JET +fans 11
SKYBIRD +fans 11
SMC fans 11
SMC fans +oval 11, 21
SPJ NOVA fans +buildings 11
SPJ NOVA fans +fan 11
TUFANI +fans 11
UMAX fans 11
WEST WIND ventilating fans 11
pe PRINCE fans +fans 11
pe PRINCE fans +fans 11
s FLOTECH +fans 7
t TUSCANY fashion fantasies 24
BAJAJ fantaste 12
fantastic SAM'S 3
JE fantastic +circle & line 7
JE fantastic +oval & stripe 11
LAVA fantastic 3
M.S. fantastic suisting 24
WAY TO GO fantastic +spiral 39
ANJALI fantastique 21
CFS chocolate fantasy 3
KISSAN florida fantasy 30
WIPRO fantasy 11
fantistic PRESTIGE 33
far-lax b VARDHMAN +flower 5
EURO farali potato wafers 30
REAL namkeen farali +oval 30
HAMDARD aksir-i-farang 5
faraway FANTASY 3
LAFD international air fare 16
al fares 3
AFWDH faridkot WALIAN +man 30
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